You can post free classified ads to Craigslist, even from your moble phone.
You can post free classified ads on your phone using Craigslist continues to be one of the most popular classified websites in the world. The site allows you to post advertisements for such things as apartments, cars, jobs and furniture. You must create an online account before you can post advertisements in most sections of the site. After signing in to this account on your phone, then you can begin posting ads immediately.
1. Open the Internet browser application on your phone. Check your phone's user manual for the exact location of the Internet-browsing application on your mobile device.
2. Create an online account at The resources section includes a link to create an account on the site. Enter your email address into the page and click on "Create Account." Type an account password into the open field, and click on the "Save" button.
3. Log in to your account on Craigslist. Click the "My Account" button in the left-hand side of the Craigslist home page. Type in the email address and password, you created, on the login page. Click on the "Log in" button.
4. Write and preview a classified advertisement with Craigslist's online editor. Click on the "Post to Classifieds" button once you have signed in to your account. Type up the advertisement you wish to post online using your phone's keypad. Click on the "Preview" button at the bottom of the page.
5. Click on the "Post Now" button to post your advertisement onto Craigslist. Repeat steps four and five with each ad you want to post.
Tags: your phone, account Craigslist, application your, Click Post, email address