The online game "Moshi Monsters" is home to several activities, including brain teasers in the Puzzle Palace and arcade-style games in the Moshi Fun Park. Some shops sell seeds that you plant in the Moshling Garden behind your house to attract Moshlings. "Moshi Monsters" has more than 40 collectible Moshlings, which are arranged in sets of four. The puppies set includes Fifi, the Oochie Poochie; McNulty, the Undercover Yap Yap; Scamp, the Froggie Doggie; and White Fang, the Musky Husky. Each dog is attracted by a different combination of plants.
1. Grow a dragon fruit plant, a magic bean plant and a hot silly pepper plant, each of which may be any color, to catch Fifi.
2. Grow a purple star blossom plant and two snap apple plants of any color to attract McNulty.
3. Grow a black snap apple plant, a pink dragon fruit plant and a blue moon orchid plant to catch Scamp.
4. Grow a red moon orchid plant, a red love berry plant and a crazy daisy plant of any color to attract White Fang.
Tags: Moshi Monsters, color attract, dragon fruit, dragon fruit plant, fruit plant, moon orchid