Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Identify The Subdivisions Of Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of mankind.

Anthropology is a complex social science that explores the wide range of ideas relating to the human experience. When trying to classify any topic (in a class, a book, an article or a debate) within anthropology, it is important to be able to identify the subdivision of anthropology to which the topic relates. Identifying these subdivisions requires an understanding of the unique focus of each one, but once each subdivision can be identified, it is easy to properly classify any topic in anthropology.


1. Biological anthropologists study human evolution.

Examine the topic for discussions of fossils, prehistoric man, forensics, primates or osteology (bones). If these issues are central to the topic, then identify the topic as "biological anthropology."

2. Egyptology is one subfield of archaeology.

Examine the topic for discussions of ancient civilizations, tool-making or the societies of people who are no longer living. If these issues are central to the topic, then identify the topic as "archaeology."

3. Cultural anthropologists work in every culture and society around the world.

Examine the topic for discussions of the politics, economics, religion, rituals, beliefs, music or social organization of currently living peoples. If these issues are central to the topic, then identify the topic as "cultural anthropology" (or "social anthropology").

4. Linguists study the way that languages form and change over time.

Examine the topic for discussions of the syntax, semantics, creoles, code-switching, slang or other ideas relating directly to the construction of language. If these issues are central to the topic, then identify the topic as "linguistics."

Tags: central topic, central topic then, Examine topic, Examine topic discussions, identify topic, issues central