Monday, September 7, 2015

Calm A Nervous Dog

Some dogs like Chihuahuas can be nervous by nature, according to Nervous dogs show a variety of symptoms. They may lick their lips, tuck their tails between their legs or try to hide. The anxiety can turn to aggression. Nervous dogs can also bark, growl or snap at the cause of the problem, according to Many dogs aren't nervous by nature. But certain situations like thunderstorms, loud music and crowds of people can create anxiety in them. There are ways you can calm a nervous dog.


1. Speak to the dog in a calm, soothing voice. Move slowly. Pet the dog and give it assurance that it's OK and not in any danger. Yelling or scolding a nervous dog will only increase its anxiety and make the situation worse.

2. Give a nervous dog a bowl of warm milk with a dab of honey mixed into it. This mixture affects the sleep center in a dog's brain, according to This will help relax the animal and lower its anxiety.

3. Use Valerian root to calm a nervous dog. This herb acts as a natural sedative. You can buy formulas that are specifically made for dogs. There are also Valerian-impregnated chewsticks and Valerian-containing treats you can use to relax a dog, according to Follow the dosage instructions on the package.

4. Take the dog away from the stressful situation to a "safe" place. This may be closed up in its crate, in a quiet room of the house, or even hidden under a bed. Give the dog a favorite thing such as a blanket or chew toy. Make the place even more comfortable and calming by turning off bright lights.

5. Take the nervous dog for a brisk walk to release anxiety. Exercise is highly important for dogs that are naturally nervous. It helps relieve stress and anxiety in all dogs. Dogs should be taken outside twice a day for exercise, according to Depending on the dog, each exercise period should last from 15 to 60 minutes.

Tags: Nervous dogs, nervous nature