Buying a chameleon is perhaps more difficult than many shoppers realize. Not only should you be concerned about picking a healthy chameleon, the lizard's dietary and habitat requirements are demanding and must be taken into account. A few simple steps can help ensure an informed purchase.
1. Learn as much as you can about chameleons. By learning as much as possible before purchasing a chameleon, you can be sure to provide a healthy environment for your pet. Chameleons are complicated animals, so consult a book or a reputable website like Chameleons Online for detailed care instructions.
2. Decide where to buy. Chameleon enthusiasts often insist that pet stores are not great places to buy chameleons. However, chameleon dealers are in short supply in much of the country, as most of them are in California or Florida. By educating yourself about the lizards before you purchase, you can judge whether your local pet store employs knowledgeable workers and is a suitable place to purchase a chameleon. Also, consider reptile shows when trying to purchase a healthy pet.
3. Research the species you want. Some chameleon species are harder to care for than others. By understanding the breed you are interested in you can better prepare to house and care for your lizard. The Veiled Chameleon, Jackson's Chameleon and Panther Chameleon tend to be easier to care for than some other species.
4. Consider age. Most reputable breeders will not sell a chameleon less than five or six weeks old because they are difficult to care for and less likely to be healthy. However, many pet stores carry chameleons anywhere from three to six weeks old. If a salesperson or dealer cannot tell you the age of a lizard, go elsewhere.
5. Recognize signs of illness. Sunken eyes, swollen joints, bumps, sores, lethargy and a weak grip are all signs of health problems. If these symptoms exist, think twice about buying the chameleon.
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