Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quiet A Pet Bird

Quieting a noisy bird can be a difficult, frustrating task. But you must quell the racket for the sake of your peace of mind and your neighbors'. Here's do it with a minimum of fuss.


1. Cover the birds. Many birds calm down in the dark, try placing them in a room that no light enters. A dark, breathable cover can also be used. A small bird can be held close to the body, under a shirt. This provides calming, warmth and darkness, it also allows the bird to better learn your scent and tighten the bond between you and the bird.

2. Engage the bird with toys. Screaming birds can often be attributed to boredom. Placing a stuffed animal, bird-toy or mirror in the cage will help to keep the animal's mind busy.

3. Talk to the bird in soothing tones, although birds generally don't react poorly to screaming. To the bird you are just singing right a long with them. If you speak to him in quiet, calming tones, he will have to turn down the volume on his own song to hear you. If he does respond to your voice, try reaching in to his cage in an unhurried way. Gently rub his neck, this will calm the bird.

4. Reward positive behavior. Birds are smart. They learn what behavior will get the best response quickly. Give him treats when he is quiet is one idea. Avoiding direct eye contact when the bird is being noisy is another.
