Sims 2 Pets" for Nintendo DS is a Sims franchise game that focuses on taking care of pets instead of Sims characters. The main goal of "Sims 2 Pets" is to become a veterinarian and learn to properly diagnose and treat pets with a variety of ailments, such as broken limbs. In return for your services, the Sims characters pay you in simoleons (the in-game currency) and rate your services with a satisfaction meter.
1. Purchase the X-Ray machine for 1,000 simoleons from the "Vets B Us" catalog.
2. Purchase bandages for 115 simoleons and a neck cone for 100 simoleons from the catalog.
3. Select the X-Ray machine from your inventory and select "Build." Place it in an empty space in your clinic.
4. Press the "X-Ray" icon. Shift the camera using the stylus and DS touch screen so you can see your pet. The pet must be on the operating table to use the X-Ray machine.
5. Press the "Camera" button when the four red lights on the screen turn green. The diagnosis of the pet will appear and show the pet has a broken limb.
6. Move the pet to the grooming table. Place the bandages and neck cone on the pet.
7. Place the pet in a kennel and wait five days for the limb to heal. Do not play, train or groom the pet during the time it is healing.
8. Remove the neck cone and bandages from the pet after the five days have passed.
Tags: neck cone, Sims Pets, X-Ray machine, five days, Pets Nintendo