Adopt one of these cute guys to help provide them with a safe place to live in the ocean.
California sea lions were hunted almost into extinction back in the 1800's, but these gorgeous animals started making a comeback in the 1930's. Adopting a sea lion can help support the growth of these animals in their natural environment. It can also provide you with a packet of educational information about these sea creatures. Adopting a sea lion does not mean it will be your new pet. Rather, adopting a sea lion means you will send money to help provide food, medication and a healthy living habitat for a particular sea lion. This makes a great activity for a school group or a family. It even makes an out-of-the-ordinary gift for a friend, family member or co-worker.
1. Choose a reliable Website to sign up for adopting a sea lion. Many oceanography institutes or marine mammal groups offer the ability to donate money to adopt a sea lion
2. Carefully read the payment details involved when signing up. Some memberships ask that you make a one-time donation to adopt a sea lion. Others ask that you make a monthly donation to help support the animal. You can choose either option, but make sure you will be able to fulfill your obligation to help the sea lion. Many sea lion adoption memberships will give you something in return for the money you send. Generally, they will send you a picture of your sea lion along with his biography and where he is located.
3. Be sure you understand exactly what you are paying for when you adopt a sea lion. There are plenty of options to choose from when deciding where to adopt a sea lion from. Therefore, you can make your own judgment of where you want the sea lion to be located (locally or on a coast) and whether or not the sea lion lives in the wild or in captivity.
4. Visit your local zoo or aquarium and inquire about animal adoptions. Many local zoos have sea lion adoption programs available for individuals or groups. If you're not planning a trip to the zoo or aquarium, you can always call and request they fax or mail you the information. Fill out the paperwork, write a check and mail everything back in to the zoo. That should seal the deal on your sea lion adoption.
5. Adopt a sea lion on vacation. Many people look for a way to remember a vacation with an unusual keepsake or souvenir. This is even better. You can visit many marine conservation companies along the pacific coast that adopt a variety of sea mammals. Find one you like and ask to sponsor a sea lion. It's a great way to give back to a place you visited while on vacation, and you also get to bring home a picture of your adopted sea lion.
6. Consider sponsoring a sea lion as a class or workplace. Some sea lion adoption groups give you the option to adopt a sea lion as a group. This can be a bit more pricey overall, however it breaks down to being cheaper per person if you have a large group that wants to contribute. Generally, the group adoption of a sea lion will allow each individual to have a membership card, sticker and information packet.
Tags: lion adoption, adopt lion, help provide, help support, lion Many, picture your