Monday, October 13, 2014

Play The Noah'S Ark Card Game

Playing the "Noah's Ark" card game, children learn Noah's Bible story, the name of many different animals and the difference between singular and plural form of various animals. The cards for this game are fairly generic and can be used to play multiple games. The two most popular games are the Animal Memory Match and Noah Goes Fishing. Both games teach the same skill set and are a fun way for children ages 3 and up to learn.


Animal Memory Match

1. Shuffle and lay cards face down on the board. Choose a player to go first; often this is the youngest player at the table. This game is similar to Old Maid. There are a number of pairs of animal cards and one odd card, the Noah's Ark card. The object is to win Noah's Ark by being the last player to hold the card.

2. Choose a card on the table and turn it face up for everybody to see. Say out loud what is depicted on the card. For example, if you turn over a lion you will say "a lion."

3. Turn over a second card on the board. Now, say what the two cards are together. For example, if you turn over a lion with your first flip and a monkey with your second, say "A lion and a monkey." However, if you flip over lions both times say "two lions."

4. Collect the two cards that you revealed if they match. Then take another turn by repeating Steps 2 through 4 until you fail to reveal a pair. Make as many animal pairs as you can, but don't get caught holding the skunk!

5. Turn the nonmatching cards face down on the board. Do not change where they are on the board. Play continues with the next player to your left.

6. Total up the number of pairs you have collected once all the cards have been matched. The player with the most pairs wins.

Noah Goes Fishing

7. Shuffle the cards and place face down on the table in a pile. Each player draws a hand of five cards.

8. Choose a card in your hand and ask another player if he or she has that card.

9. Collect the card from the other player if he or she has it. Say out loud what animal you now have a pair of as you place them both face up in front of you. If you ask for a monkey and the other player gives it to you, then say "I have two monkeys."

10. Take another turn if you completed a pair by repeating Steps 2 through 4. If you did not complete a pair then take one card from the face down deck and add it to your hand. Play continues with the player to your left.

11. Refill your hand with two cards from the deck if you correctly match every card in it.

12. Total your pairs once the deck has been exhausted. The player with the most pairs wins.

Tags: face down, your hand, Animal Memory, Animal Memory Match, another turn