Thursday, August 6, 2015

Get Neopets Avatars

Get Neopets Avatars

Neopets is a fun and interactive online world for children and user-created characters called Neopets. Collecting various Neopets avatars is just one of the many fun activities that Neopets members can do in the world of Neopia. Though some Neopets avatars are easily accessible, others are far more rare. Learn add these elusive Neopets avatars to your Neopets avatar list.


1. Get the Fyora Faerie Queen Neopet avatar by buying an artifact from Fyora's Hidden Tower. Once you've purchased the artifact from Fyora's Hidden Tower, the Fyora Faerie Queen avatar will be automatically added to your Neopets avatar list.

2. Receive the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie Neopets avatar by buying the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie while logged in to your Neopets account. Refresh your Neopets inventory page and the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie avatar will be added to your Neopets avatar list.

3. Obtain the Plushie Eyrie NeoPet avatar by going to your NeoBoards User Preference page and clearing your NeoHTML and NeoSignature. Set your avatar to "Default" and then go to the Neopets Message Board. Post the word "Squawk" in a message board message. Your post will not be displayed, but you will be redirected to a page alerting you that you have received a new avatar.

4. Get the Grundo Warehouse NeoPet avatar by going to the Grundo Warehouse. Where it says "Older 10 Character Codes," type "A384J" into the first field and "228P1" into the second field. You will be redirected to a page alerting you that you have received a new avatar.

5. Download the Neopets mobile phone game found on the Neopets website to get the Coco Roll avatar. The game costs $4 to download as of 2009, as well as the cost of any service fees imposed by your cell phone company. It's important to remember that actual dollars, not Neopoints, must be used to purchase the Neopets mobile phone game.

Tags: your Neopets, Neopets avatar, avatar list, Malevolent Sentient, Malevolent Sentient Poogle